Healthy Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe

Ice Apple Milkshake recipe refers to a milkshake made with the tropical fruit called “Ice-Apple,” which is also known as “Tadgola” or “Nungu.” The Ice-Apple fruit comes from the Palmyra palm tree and has a jelly-like consistency and a mildly sweet taste.

Healthy Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe

To make an Ice-Apple Milkshake, you would typically blend the peeled Ice-Apple fruit with chilled milk, ice cubes, and possibly some sweetener if needed. The result would be a creamy and refreshing beverage with the unique tropical flavor of Ice-Apple.


Experiment with the Ice-Apple Fruit Milkshake to create exciting variations:

Coconut Ice-Apple: Add a splash of coconut milk or coconut cream to intensify the tropical flavor.

Mango Fusion: Blend in some ripe mango chunks for an exotic combination of flavors.

Nuts and Seeds: Boost the nutritional content by incorporating chia seeds, flaxseeds, or almonds.

How to make Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe:

1.  Remove the skin of ice apple and cut it into small pieces.

Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe: Cut into small pieces.

2.  Put sliced pieces in a mixer grinder along with sugar and green cardamom.

Put sliced pieces, sugar, green cardamoms in a mixer grinder.

3.  Grind coarsely and pour milk. Grind further to make a smooth smoothie.

Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe: Add milk and blend further.

4.  Pour Ice Apple Milkshake into a serving glass and serve fresh.

Serve Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe

Watch Thati Munjula Milkshake Recipe on >> YouTube

Here are a few finger-licking recipes:

Jack Fruit Juice,

Banana Lemon Juice Recipe,

Apple Banana Milkshake,

Mango Milkshake and

Black Grape Juice.

Tips to help you create a delicious and creamy Ice Apple Milkshake:

1. Choose Ripe Ice-Apples: Select ripe and fresh Ice-Apples for the best taste and texture. Ripe Ice-Apples will be softer, making them easier to blend into a smooth milkshake.

2. Chill the Ingredients: For a refreshing milkshake, ensure that both the Ice-Apples and the milk (or milk alternative) are chilled before blending. You can also add ice cubes to make the milkshake extra cold.

3. Peel: Peel the outer skin of the Ice-Apples before adding to the blender. Removing the brown skin will help achieve a smoother consistency in the milkshake.

4. Use the Right Milk: Choose the type of milk that complements the flavor of Ice-Apples. Regular cow’s milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or any other milk alternative can work well. Coconut milk can enhance the tropical flavor.

5. Add Sweetener (Optional): Ice-Apples are naturally mildly sweet, but you can add honey, sugar, or any sweetener of your choice to adjust the sweetness according to your preference.

6. Experiment with Flavorings (Optional): For added depth of flavor, you can include a pinch of cardamom powder, a splash of vanilla extract, or even a squeeze of lime juice to complement the Ice-Apple’s taste.

7. Blend Smoothly: Use a high-speed blender to ensure the Ice-Apples are blended smoothly with the milk and other ingredients. Blend until you achieve a creamy and consistent texture.

8. Adjust Consistency: Depending on how thick or thin you prefer your milkshake, you can add more milk or ice cubes to adjust the consistency to your liking.

9. Garnish Creatively: Consider garnishing your Ice-Apple Milkshake with a few thin Ice-Apple slices, a sprinkle of ground cardamom, or a sprig of fresh mint for a visually appealing presentation.

10. Serve Chilled: Once you have blended your Ice-Apple Milkshake to perfection, pour it into chilled glasses and serve immediately. The chilliness of the milkshake will enhance the refreshing experience.

Health Benefits of Ice Apple Milkshake Recipe:

1. Hydration: Ice-Apple is a naturally hydrating fruit, containing a high water content. Including it in a milkshake can help keep you hydrated, especially during hot weather or after physical activities.

2. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Ice Apple Milkshake is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B complex, iron, potassium, and calcium. These nutrients support various bodily functions, including immune function, energy metabolism, and bone health.

3. Low in Calories: Ice-Apple is relatively low in calories, making it a good choice for those watching their calorie intake. By blending it with milk, you can create a satisfying and creamy milkshake without excessive calories.

4. Natural Sweetness: Ice-Apple has a mild and naturally sweet taste, which can be a healthier alternative to added sugars. Using ripe Ice Apples in the milkshake can reduce the need for additional sweeteners.

5. Boosts Digestion: The dietary fiber present in Ice-Apple supports healthy digestion and can help prevent constipation. Fiber also promotes a feeling of fullness, which can aid in managing appetite and weight.

6. Cooling Effect: Ice-Apple has a cooling effect on the body, which can be especially beneficial during hot weather or if you are experiencing heat-related discomfort.

7. Antioxidant Properties: Ice-Apple contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C, that help combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals and may have various health benefits.

8. Supports Heart Health: The potassium content in Ice Apple is beneficial for heart health. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

9. Natural Electrolytes: Ice-Apple contains natural electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium, which can help replenish electrolyte levels in the body after exercise or during periods of dehydration.

10. Good for Skin and Hair: The vitamins and minerals in Ice Apple Milkshakes contribute to healthy skin and hair. Vitamin C aids collagen production, promoting skin elasticity and radiance.

Ice Apple Milkshake

Ice Apple Milkshake recipe refers to a milkshake made with the tropical fruit called "Ice-Apple," which is also known as "Tadgola" or"Nungu."

Course Drinks
Cuisine Indian
Keyword ice apple milkshake
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 2
Author Uppada Lakshmi


  • Ice Apple – 6 No.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Green cardamoms – 3 No.
  • Milk – 1 glass


  1. Peel the frozen apple, then chop it into little pieces.
  2. Combine the sliced pieces, sugar, and green cardamom in a mixer grinder.
  3. Pour milk after coarsely grinding. Add more grinding for a smoother smoothie.
  4. Transfer the Ice Apple Milkshake into a glass and serve it immediately.

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